What is Play Therapy?

September 29, 2021

When a child and a therapist come together in a relationship built on trust, unconditional acceptance, empathy, and hope, magic happens. The perfect avenue for that magic is play therapy.

Play therapy is a type of therapy based on the relationship between a child and a play therapist, wherein the therapist enters into the child’s own world through the child’s best means of communication: play. Children connecting to us, to themselves, and to the world around them through play. Children are meant to play, wired to play, and they desire to play! Play therapy uses creativity, humor, exploration, imagination, fun, energy, to address negative thoughts, painful memories, difficult relationships, challenging behaviors, and big feelings. The playroom is specifically designed to orchestrate play and children are provided with specific toys and materials to foster play. The play therapist uses specific skills, acquired through training and study to facilitate play and care for the deep meanings found within.

Play therapy is a powerful way of interacting with a child in order to foster growth and healing.

If you are interested in more information, please follow the link below and visit the Association for Play Therapy website.

Parents Corner – Association for Play Therapy